@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
SimpleMQTTClient.ino |
The purpose of this exemple is to illustrate a simple handling of MQTT and Wifi connection. |
Once it connects successfully to a Wifi network and a MQTT broker, it subscribe to a topic and send a message to it. |
It will also send a message delayed 5 seconds later. |
*/ |
#include "EspMQTTClient.h"
EspMQTTClient client( |
"rico2", |
"xxxxxx", |
"", // MQTT Broker server ip
"MQTTUsername", // Can be omitted if not needed
"MQTTPassword", // Can be omitted if not needed
"pilote_cuisine", // Client name that uniquely identify your device
1883 // The MQTT port, default to 1883. this line can be omitted
); |
const int heating_pin = 14; |
void message_callback(const String &message) |
{ |
Serial.println(message); |
if (message == "off") { |
digitalWrite(heating_pin, LOW); |
} |
if (message == "on") { |
digitalWrite(heating_pin, HIGH); |
} |
} |
void setup() |
{ |
pinMode(heating_pin, OUTPUT); // Initialize the LED_BUILTIN pin as an output
digitalWrite(heating_pin, LOW); // Turn the LED on (Note that LOW is the voltage level
Serial.begin(115200); |
// Optionnal functionnalities of EspMQTTClient :
client.enableDebuggingMessages(); // Enable debugging messages sent to serial output
client.enableHTTPWebUpdater(); // Enable the web updater. User and password default to values of MQTTUsername and MQTTPassword. These can be overrited with enableHTTPWebUpdater("user", "password").
//client.enableLastWillMessage("TestClient/lastwill", "I am going offline"); // You can activate the retain flag by setting the third parameter to true
} |
// This function is called once everything is connected (Wifi and MQTT)
void onConnectionEstablished() |
{ |
// Subscribe to "mytopic/test" and display received message to Serial
client.subscribe("chauffage/cuisine", &message_callback); |
} |
void loop() |
{ |
client.loop(); |
} |