client.enableDebuggingMessages();// Enable debugging messages sent to serial output
client.enableDebuggingMessages();// Enable debugging messages sent to serial output
client.enableHTTPWebUpdater();// Enable the web updater. User and password default to values of MQTTUsername and MQTTPassword. These can be overrited with enableHTTPWebUpdater("user", "password").
client.enableHTTPWebUpdater();// Enable the web updater. User and password default to values of MQTTUsername and MQTTPassword. These can be overrited with enableHTTPWebUpdater("user", "password").
//client.enableLastWillMessage("TestClient/lastwill", "I am going offline"); // You can activate the retain flag by setting the third parameter to true
//client.enableLastWillMessage("TestClient/lastwill", "I am going offline"); // You can activate the retain flag by setting the third parameter to true