@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ $action = (isset($_REQUEST['action']) and preg_match(ACTION_REGEX, $_REQUEST['ac
$supplier = array_key_exists ( 'supplier' , $_REQUEST ) ? $_REQUEST [ 'supplier' ] : $requestSupplier ;
$hasSupplier = is_string ( $supplier ) and preg_match ( SUPPLIER_REGEX , $supplier );
$excludesFormatter = new \IntlDateFormatter ( 'fr_FR.UTF8' , \IntlDateFormatter :: SHORT , \IntlDateFormatter :: NONE , 'Europe/Paris' );
if ( $hasSupplier ) {
if ( ! isset ( $config [ $supplier ]))
@ -141,6 +143,30 @@ if ($hasSupplier) {
$config [ $supplier ][ $key ] = array_map ( 'trim' , $config [ $supplier ][ $key ]);
$config [ $supplier ][ 'excludes' ] = array_filter (
array_map (
function ( $value ) use ( $excludesFormatter ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/' , $value ))
return $value ;
$timestamp = $excludesFormatter -> parse ( $value , $offset );
if ( $timestamp !== false )
return ( new \DateTimeImmutable ( '@' . $timestamp , new \DateTimeZone ( 'Europe/Paris' ))) -> format ( 'Y-m-d' );
try {
return ( new \DateTimeImmutable ( $value , new \DateTimeZone ( 'Europe/Paris' ))) -> format ( 'Y-m-d' );
} catch ( \Exception $exception ) {
return null ;
$config [ $supplier ][ 'excludes' ]
function ( $value ) {
return ! is_null ( $value );
$isConfig = false ;
@ -264,6 +290,7 @@ if (!$isConfig and $hasSupplier) {
?> <!DOCTYPE html>
< html lang = " fr " >
< head >
@ -364,8 +391,8 @@ if (!$isConfig and $hasSupplier) {
< div class = " row mb-3 " >
< label for = " excludes " class = " col-sm-2 col-form-label " > Exceptions </ label >
< div class = " col-sm-10 " >
< textarea class = " form-control " name = " excludes " rows = " 5 " >< ? php echo implode ( PHP_EOL , $config [ $supplier ][ 'excludes' ]); ?> </textarea>
< div class = " form-text " > Les dates à exclure . Une par ligne . Ou pas . En tous cas le format c 'est celui de l' < a href = " https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 " target = " _blank " > ISO 8601 </ a > : < kbd > AAAA - MM - JJ </ kbd ></ div >
< textarea class = " form-control " name = " excludes " rows = " 5 " >< ? php echo implode ( PHP_EOL , array_map ( function ( $value ) use ( $excludesFormatter ) { return $excludesFormatter -> format ( new \DateTimeImmutable ( $value , new \DateTimeZone ( 'Europe/Paris' ))); }, $config [ $supplier ][ 'excludes' ]) ); ?> </textarea>
< div class = " form-text " > Les dates à exclure . Une par ligne . Ou pas . En tous cas le format c 'est celui de l' < a class = " text-reset " href = " https://unicode-org.github.io/icu/userguide/format_parse/datetime/ " target = " _blank " > ICU </ a > : < kbd >< ? php echo $excludesFormatter -> getPattern (); ?> </kbd></div>
</ div >
</ div >