vince vince vince
  • Joined on Nov 23, 2019
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vince pushed to master at vince/gestionnaire-de-taches-simple

18 hours ago

vince pushed to master at vince/gestionnaire-de-taches-simple

21 hours ago

vince pushed to master at vince/gestionnaire-de-taches-simple

1 day ago

vince pushed to master at vince/gestionnaire-de-taches-simple

1 day ago

vince pushed to master at vince/gestionnaire-de-taches-simple

  • 3ce3c47a2e ajoute le tri des tâches sur la page projet

1 day ago

vince pushed to master at vince/gestionnaire-de-taches-simple

2 days ago

vince created repository vince/gestionnaire-de-taches-simple

2 days ago

vince pushed to master at rico/HomePage

1 year ago

vince pushed to master at rico/HomePage

2 years ago

vince pushed to master at vince/mon-panier-bio

2 years ago

vince pushed to master at rico/HomePage

  • 1507dca861 limite les sorties standard du Makefile

2 years ago

vince pushed to master at vince/mon-panier-bio

2 years ago

vince pushed to master at vince/mon-panier-bio

2 years ago

vince pushed to master at vince/mon-panier-bio

2 years ago

vince pushed to master at rico/HomePage

2 years ago

vince pushed to master at rico/HomePage

2 years ago

vince pushed to master at rico/HomePage

  • 2fefba7d26 ajoute un lien vers l'annuraire des guls

2 years ago

vince pushed to master at vince/mon-panier-bio

3 years ago

vince pushed to master at vince/mon-panier-bio

  • 0895752ea9 affiche un warning si on tente de commander dans le passé

3 years ago

vince pushed to master at vince/mon-panier-bio

3 years ago